Dr Jayson Godsey was born April 18, 1976, and was raised by his mother in Metro Detroit.  He was born again in Sept. 1983 at the Gideon Baptist Church in Warren Mi. It was two decades later in a tent meeting under the preaching of Dr. Tom Malone Sr. that God called him to preach, and that following semester he enrolled in Midwestern Baptist college where he earned his degree. 

He currently makes his home in Northern Michigan with his wife Meagan, daughters Savannah, Madison, and Abigail.  They are members of, and sent from First Baptist Church in Evart.  Bro. Godsey has been in full time evangelism since 2005 and brings to every fundamental pulpit he is in:  experience, enthusiasm, and an obvious endowment of the Spirit.   He has been blessed to hold hundreds of revival meeting in Local churches, under tents, in tabernacles, and youth camps across this country.

From coast to coast and border to border he has preached with great blessing and benefit and has gained an outstanding testimony among his Peers and among the Patriarchs of the Faith. Pastors who have had Bro. Godsey in their pulpits have said that he is an "Old-fashioned Evangelist", "Fiery Fundamentalist", and a "Friend to Pastors".