Thursday, May 12, 2011

Place of Prayer

Today more than ever pastors, preachers, and the people of God seem to be busier than at any other time in their lives. Often they find themselves juggling their ministries, families, as well as other activities that all compete and call for their time and attention. I have had many a preacher say "I can't fit one more thing into this Franklin planner; something has to give.". Statistically what has "given" is the time that we spent with our Lord in prayer.

In Mark chapter 1 beginning in verse 35 we get a glimpse into a day in the life of our Lord, and the premium that he put on prayer. Let's learn some lessons from this day in the life of our Lord.

Priority of Prayer (v35)

Note some things here:

1. Particular time "in the morning...a great while before day"

2. Particular Place "a solitary place"

3. Particular Purpose " Prayed"

Pressures of Life (v37)

We find here the disciples looking for Jesus, saying "all men seek". Jesus, our pagers, cell phones, are blowing up! They're on facebook, they're tweating, everyone is looking for you - yet in spite of the demands of life Jesus first sought time with the Father. You'll remember Martin Luther's remark, "I have so much to do to-day that I shall never get through it with less than three hours' prayer." He had not been accustomed to take so much time for prayer on ordinary days, but since that was a busy day, he felt that he needed to have more communion with his God.

Principle to Learn

One of the principles in this passage that each of us would do well to learn is not to sacrifice the important on the altar of the urgent. How many time have we found ourselves "putting out fires" all day long and never accomplishing the tasks that were important for us to accomplish that day. Jesus refused to live under the tyranny of the urgent but sought to finish the work that the Father had given him to do. By doing so brought He glory to the Father (John 17:4)

Every one of our lives are full of projects, pressures, dates and deadlines; but let us not forget that each of us have a work to do, given to us by the Father. Let us daily prayerfully seek His face and His strength to accomplish the works which he gave us to do.